Tuesday, March 20, 2012

merci tuesday!

It's Merci Tuesday…you know what that means….we have good stuff to report!
My favorite things today…

1. Sleeping in the rain last night….well I wasn’t in the rain but it was raining outside. I love that.

2.     A client meeting….at a cheese plant. In Wisconsin. Enough said.

3.     I saw a really cute old couple (like 80 year old …that old) walking and holding hands. I love that too.

4.     A banana with nutella.

5.     I am a guest facilitator this week for an online grad course through MSU- I love being involved with others learning…I learn just as much as they do. 

6.     SPRING!

7.     I know more today than I did yesterday…love progress.

8.     My brother.

9.     Sounds crazy…but when someone just takes a moment to ask how you are doing…and they actually care about how you respond.

1.    I am tired…just means today was just filled with good stuff, action, and activity.  Being tired means you worked for it. I love that.

Hope your today was better than your yesterday…but not as good as your tomorrow.  

Remember to always remember your good stuff.

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