Monday, March 5, 2012


happy monday.made it through my first official monday on the new job and even drove home WITHOUT my GPS. thats right folks. this girl knows her way home. i am off training today so am resting my little legs and writing for the second day in a row. yeah baby

...and back to the beginning. in case you did (or maybe didn't) notice the title for this craziness is uPnUp. its not only a new word- but more of an attitude.  sometimes stuff brings you down. don't let it. sometimes people try to get you down. don't let them. sometime you may even bring yourself down. don't do it.
and think the one simple yet powerful word: UP. (or you can do the two for one special and throw them together: uPnUp)
life gets so much better when you think up.
try it.
double dare you.
title explanation done.
make it a good week.

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