Thursday, December 27, 2012

letting 2012 marinate.

Taking a look back…

2012 was full of amazing blessings, challenges and change...  I was able to travel to foreign countries, move to a new city and new state, start a new chapter in my career, see awesome parts of the world on my favorite form of transportation, spend time with people that I love and admire and meet new ones too…train and compete with a healthy body, and take advantage of many adventures that life threw my way.

At the end of it all…there are always certain lessons that stick out for me more than others…here are my top five for 2012:

1.      Work Hard. Nothing worthwhile in life comes easy.  You always get out of it what you put into it. Dedicate yourself to your goals, trust the process and don’t be afraid of failure- only be afraid of not trying in the first place.  If it does not challenge you- it will probably not change you either.  Be motivated to simply do the best you can each day…the rest will take care of itself.

2.      People are amazing. I have learned so much from those around me.  Every single person has an incredible amount of potential with so much to share…take the time to just be present with those around you and hear their story. Close your mouth and just open your ears and take the time to un-connect from things with cords and connect to those with hearts. I am so blessed with an awesome family and network of friends that support, encourage, and believe in me…that right there is the best part of life- the people that choose to live it with you.

3.      Being uncomfortable just means that you are growing. Many times we avoid the discomforts that change or challenges present…but it is those moments that true inner expansion and growth takes place. Be comfortable with being uncomfortable and see what you can accomplish. Know your own limits and dare yourself to overcome them. Anything is possible if you got enough nerve. 

4.      Consistency matters.  I have learned that doing small good things consistently can eventually lead to great things.  Don’t feel the need to do it all right away- rather, take the small steps each day in the direction you want to go. I approach each training session, day at work, or anything else with the motivation that the culmination of effort will eventually lead to something better. Patience.

5.      Choice. We are all given the choice…no matter what the situation- I am given the choice.  The choice to... overcome, believe, stay positive, try, be brave,  keep moving forward, be thankful, be content, and at the end of it all….know that I am exactly where God wants me to be.  Choices- even the small ones, can define and create not only your present – but your future as well. Choose wisely.

I love living. I love the people in my life who teach me how to do and be better. I love knowing that each day is another chance to grow, experience, and be better than I was the day before.  I love opportunities…cause that is what everything is: an opportunity.

No resolutions for 2013 from me.  I come from a place in that if you are ready to begin…now is the time.  Why put off until tomorrow what you can get done today?

Happy New Year…get after it!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

the approach

Next weekend I will have the opportunity to be at the start line of my second Ironman of 2012…Life is full of events that require preparation, work, and most importantly, a positive approach.

For me, the approach to my race, can really be mirrored by my approach to life. For what it worth, many times I embark upon life’s adventures in the hopes of using what I learn to help inspire others – or at least provide a new perspective for myself.  Ironman is no different.  That being said, as I look forward to next weekend- I thought I would share the approach that I choose to take with me to the start line of an event that I have logged many hours on the computrainer, miles on the road, laps in the pool, reps in the weight room, sweat, blood, and sometimes tears in hopes of crossing the finish line to the best of my ability. 

- It’s about the process- not the result.  So many times we put such a powerful emphasis on the result and we forget about the journey to get there.  Through my training, my head has been able to take my body to places that I thought were not possible…I have learned to be comfortable with being uncomfortable because that is the point in which strength grows- both mentally and physically.

- Sometimes you have to GIVE in order to GET.  Goals that you set are completely within reach if you are willing to give a little to get what you want.  I have had to sacrifice in order to get to that start line – but crossing the finish line makes it all worth it.  The simple truth is that if you really want something bad enough- you will find a way.

- Perspective.  It can be so easy to get caught up in the anxiety that usually accompanies any big race…but in the end, its just a race.  There have many before and will be many in the future. Much like life, I am simply so grateful for the opportunity to participate and push myself forward to be the best I can be.  If that means crossing the line in first place, or carrying a glow stick and finishing at the 17 hour cut-off…in the end, we are not defined by what place we come in, but rather by the drive, determination and pure heart put into the effort.

- Attitude is really the only thing I have control over.  There is a lot that can happen during the 140.6 miles that is uncontrollable.  I can get smacked around in the water (its happened every race), have mechanical issues on the bike (been there), feel suboptimal on the run (done that) or any other factors that can easily come into play without any warning. The only thing that I can control is my response to any challenge that presents itself.  I enter each race the best prepared that I can be – but also respect the fact that the race (or life) does not always go according to plan…when the unexpected bumps show up – just do what needs to be done to get over them. Stay positive for the “workout” that goes on between our ears can take us farther that we ever thought.

- Let loose and enjoy the day.  As crazy as this sounds…I do this because I enjoy it.  The day goes so fast and is really a celebration of all the hard work that I put into the process of getting to the start line.  God has blessed me with the opportunity to do what I love and I owe it to Him to do the best I can.  My ultimate goal in racing is to do the best I can do for me.

At the end, my approach to any race or life is actually quite simple:

Expect the unexpected
Be comfortable with being uncomfortable
Be smart but don’t over think every twist and turn- just lean into it.
Get excited but keep the mind calm.
Keep fighting even if the battle seems lost...losing is never an option to someone who does not give up.
Be fearless. Be bold. Be thankful.

I have enjoyed the approach- look forward to my dance on the runway…and anticipate the take off to new dreams once this Ironman is in the books.

No need to wish me good luck on race day- instead, I encourage YOU to dream big and approach any new adventure with the determination that it will be impossible to fail.  Believe when others doubt, persist when everyone else quits, work when others are busy wishing, and never look back.

"As you journey through life, choose your destination wisely, but don't hurry there.  You will arrive soon enough.  Wander the back roads, the forgotten paths, the unknown ways, as you keep your dreams in your heat as the light that guides you.  Seek out new voices, strange sights, and bold ideas.  Such things are riches for the soul.  And if, upon your arrival, you find that your destination is not exactly what you dreamed it would be, don't be disappointed.  Think of all you would have missed if not for the journey there, and know that the true worth of your travels lies not just in where you've come to be, but in who you became along the way".  Linda Staten

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

big kid dreams

Kids are amazing at dreaming…their ultimate ideas and dreams for the future are realistic in their own minds. I love that.

When does the dreaming end? When do the excuses start? Somewhere along the line we allowed discouragement, shrinking self-belief and doubt to deter our focus on what our heart and head really wants for ourselves…whether it is a professional goal, a personal dream, or anything in between.

What dreams and visions have you given up on? The awesome thing about goals and dreams are the fact they are all relative to YOU…it could be finishing a 5K or an Ironman, getting your Ph.D. or getting your high school diploma, owning a company or simply finding a job.

Define what YOU are wanting and be the author of your own story.

I just want to remind you that if you want it bad enough you’ll make happen.

Accept no excuses.
Don’t settle for mediocrity.
Don’t buy into excuses.
Don’t undermine your worth or potential by comparing yourself to others.

Most importantly, don’t give up when you still have something to give since nothing is really over until you stop trying.  Pursuing dreams can be scary – don’t be afraid to encounter a risk – that is where you learn to be brave.  Limitations only exist if we let them and YOUR POSSIBILITIES are endless once you begin to believe you can.

You do not always have to go fast – you just have to go.

I encourage you to revisit your dreams. Big or small.  A year from now, you will wish you had started today.  Forget past mistakes and failures and shift your thoughts to everything you are going to do from this point forward to allow your dreams to become your new reality.
You are worth it.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

the start line

The journey is the reward. 

Last weekend I had the opportunity to participate Ironman Texas – a pretty solid event that has been on my radar and has been the reason behind my training up to this point. I don’t think that I have ever taken the time to write a complete race report…simply because for me the journey to get to that start line is where all the magic takes place.  Sure, race day is fun and an awesome part of the process- but I have never let it define the journey to get there. 

Relative to anything in life- you truly get out of it what you put into it.  What did I get out of it? Here we go…lessons that come with the finisher medal:

·      Do not resist change.  Let go of the brakes. Don't worry about the bumps and bruises. Your body can take them.  Don't steer around the challenges, opportunities, events, ideas, or goals that scare you…instead go over them, go through them, eat them up and keep moving forward. Keep your chin up and ALWAYS see what is around you and in the end, there will be one less thing you cannot do.

·      Life is right now.  If you want it bad enough, you will do whatever it takes to reach your goal.  Obstacles are life.  There is no way to happiness…since happiness is the way.  If you don’t go after what you want, you will never have it.  If you do not step forward, you will always be in the same place.

·      True growth happens in moments of weakness.  It really is not the level of achievement, run splits, or any numbers attached to racing that I find growth- It is those moments when I am tired…when  hope seems lost…when I am given the choice to either quit or keep moving forward where I learn the most.   That is the moment that gives me courage and strength to face each battle, challenge, and hill in life with an open heart and can do attitude.

·       Nobody ever said that it was going to be easy…but they all say it will be worth it.  It doesn’t matter if you complete and ironman or finally run 1 block—we all start somewhere.  Sometimes in order to achieve great things, we have to be willing to give up the things that hold us back…even if that is our own negative attitude, habits, and self- beliefs.  Be your best cheerleader.

·       Positive attitude has power. If you did all the things that you are capable of…you would astound yourself... True Story. I dare you to be astounded. 

·       Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do. Don’t compare yourself to everyone around you- try to simply be better than yourself.

·       An impactful network: surround yourself with those who believe in you, support you and simply love you for whom you are standing still…make people a part of your process.

·       If God has given you gifts...use them to the best of your ability...that could be first or last place- it doesn't matter as long as you gave it all you got. simple.

My journey to the start line is just life. Whatever you can do or dream you can…BEGIN IT.  Boldness to start has power and magic.  Exhaust yourself with living…give it all you got no matter what that means for you.  Years from now you will be more disappointed in the things you didn’t do than by the ones that you did.

See you at the start line.

So stop waiting; until you finish school, until you go back to school, until you lose ten pounds, until you gain ten pounds, until you have kids, until your kids leave the house, until you start work, until you retire, until you get married, until you get divorced, until Friday night, until Sunday morning, until you get a new car or home, until your car or home is paid off, until spring, until summer, until fall, until winter, until you are off welfare, until the first or fifteenth, until your song comes on, until you've had a drink, until you've sobered up, until you die, until you are born again to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy. Happiness is a journey, not a destination.

- Alfred D'Souza

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

top tens...for now

I love making lists. I love lessons. Therefore, I love my lessons put in a list.  Each year I randomly take the time to let life sink in and journal how it looks and the awesome insight that each day provides.  I had some time on my latest travels for fun slash work so I thought I would share at least 10 of many…Below is a flavor of things I have learned, read and lived…and a philosophies that I try to keep in mind as I grind out each day…and think of how much better my tomorrow will be.

  1. You’re stronger than you think you are.  Sometime you have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days of your life. You never know how strong you are until strong is the only choice you have left. Be a fighter- it will be worth it.

  1. You can press forward long after you can’t. It’s a matter of wanting it bad enough.  You tell me every reason why you CAN’T and I will give you every reason why you CAN.  What is your CANT? Get rid of the “T”. You got this.
  1. Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. Simple.  Be positive. Work Hard. Expect and give nothing but your best.

  1. Do what you love, not what you think you’re supposed to do.  Many times we get trapped into what the expectation is…follow your heart.  Dreams are achieved when passion is pursued.

  1. If you want to feel rich, just count all the great things you have that money can’t buy. Faith. Family. Friends.  Those are my favorite things…buy experiences with those who make you smile and fill your heart.

  1. Be gentle to yourself. Forgive yourself. Embrace your mistakes to propel you to new learning and understanding.

  1. Drink in as many new experiences as you can.  Remember- all the magic happens outside your comfort zone.  Dare to lose…for the chance to win is worth it.

  1. Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. Just because you give up…doesn’t mean that you are weak – sometimes it just means that you are strong and smart enough to let go.

  1. Don’t dwell on the past or worry about the future for too long. Right now is life. Live it.  Be mindful. Be grateful for today.

  1. Don’t pray when you are in the valley if you can’t remember to pray when you are on the mountain top. Be consistent in your faith and trust in Gods plan. Simple.

Sometimes life allows us to be our best teachers if we continue to allow ourselves to learn.  Get out there and let others be blessed by your presence.

Friday, March 30, 2012


we value answers. people like the quick fix, solutions, end points, and having a clear expectation of what is to come. 

there is nothing wrong with answers- they are needed, warranted and important.  but what happens when the answers that we are seeking begin to eclipse the original question that brought them up in the first place?

throughout my ongoing study of intrinsic motivation, this concept has really began to stand out for me and can really applied to any circumstance, thought, short term decision, long term commitment…to life.

we have a tendency to use our energy, focus, and time on scrambling to get to the next step, cross it off the list, lose those last 10 lbs, become happy in our relationships, learn to manage our money, or any other area of our life that we tend to be challenged in…while in fact we are not that clear on the question that we are working so hard to find the answer too.

what are you wanting?

action steps, goals, and strategies are meaningless endeavors if you are unclear to what is most important to you. 

what are you wanting?

have you ever taken the time to explore and think about what it is you are truly wanting for yourself relative to your true goals or overall wellbeing?

what is it deep inside that you are wanting for yourself and what is most important to you?

i can tell you that it’s usually not a number, a dollar sign, or an award but rather a feeling or state of being …something you cannot put a price tag on.  it is something that is driven by you because it provides purpose and a value that cannot be defined by anyone else. 

if it is truly important to you…you will find a way to make it happen and your next steps will be apparent.
that is a true goal. 

make your goal the most important – keep your focus on goal, not the problems that happen along the way.

be flexible.
be determined.
be invested.

many times we work so hard to find the answers…and never take the time to understand what our question is. slow down and trust the process.

be purposeful in your endeavors. time is such a gift and should be spent on creating the life you want based on what is most important to you. 

as you look at past challenges and future hopes- take the time to ask the question.

sometimes the question truly is more important than the answer.

Friday, March 23, 2012


this week I had the opportunity to lead and facilitate an internal goal setting workshop.  we talked about goals and what the participants are really wanting relative to their overall wellbeing moving forward.  it was an awesome learning experience for me and really provided insight on how much people dwell on past “failures”, attempts, and setbacks to determine their present and future capabilities...and what a waste of time that is.

below is just what emerged for me after working with, listening, and just being with the participants.  i always love to share what i learn.

first, I dare to share a small piece of reality with you: you’re a fantastic person on an exciting journey, in the beginning or middle of creating a life that you want. building, growing, and moving forward is like building anything else - you build one brick at a time.  appreciate and celebrate the small steps- they really do equal miles.

think positive and surround yourself with positive people. don't let unwarranted criticism affect you. know the naturally supportive and positive people in your life and choose to surround yourself with them…people that build you up and love you for the magnificent person that you are. speak positively and be kind to yourself…your thoughts will follow suit.

be engaged. involve yourself in something that is both good for you and consistent with your expressed goals. feel good about yourself, you have to treat yourself as if you are already someone worthy of respect and good treatment…and you are. be engaged with positive activities, environments, and relationships that align with a healthy and balanced life.

perfection is impossible. creating and living a perfect life is not going to happen…instead aim for doing the best you can with what you have and know that is good enough. success is contagious. you do not have to be perfect…just willing, honest, and able to trust yourself.

positive mistakes despite a common line of thinking, a mistake does not make you a failure. in fact, it’s a sign that you are growing and simply given an opportunity to learn. stretch yourself to be uncomfortable every day by facing challenges, learning from them, and moving forward.  mistakes are just the catalyst for learning.

finally, always start the day right. remind yourself that you are a worthy, wonderful, valuable individual. you deserve to live up to your potential and embrace the wonderful person that is in you…don’t be the one person that holds you back.

it doesn’t matter where you have been. we live. we learn.

it only matters where you are now and where you want to go.

begin anywhere.

what can you do today to get you one step closer to a better tomorrow?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

merci tuesday!

It's Merci Tuesday…you know what that means….we have good stuff to report!
My favorite things today…

1. Sleeping in the rain last night….well I wasn’t in the rain but it was raining outside. I love that.

2.     A client meeting….at a cheese plant. In Wisconsin. Enough said.

3.     I saw a really cute old couple (like 80 year old …that old) walking and holding hands. I love that too.

4.     A banana with nutella.

5.     I am a guest facilitator this week for an online grad course through MSU- I love being involved with others learning…I learn just as much as they do. 

6.     SPRING!

7.     I know more today than I did yesterday…love progress.

8.     My brother.

9.     Sounds crazy…but when someone just takes a moment to ask how you are doing…and they actually care about how you respond.

1.    I am tired…just means today was just filled with good stuff, action, and activity.  Being tired means you worked for it. I love that.

Hope your today was better than your yesterday…but not as good as your tomorrow.  

Remember to always remember your good stuff.

Friday, March 16, 2012

yOuR mOmEnT


Looking back: this past week has been a big training week. Time. Intensity. Recovery. Repeat.  To round out the work week- this morning I had a 14 mile run with a special efforts thrown in the mix.  My legs were not as cooperative as normal from the start which can equal a battle between the mind and the body.

It was near the end that I had my moment.  It was the moment when everything told me to just stop…except for that little voice that said that – keep going. Sometimes the little guys do come out on top. 

The moment you are able to overcome, breakthrough, persist and just simply NOT GIVE UP is the moment where you grow, expand, learn, and push your limits just a little farther out. 

Looking Forward: Moments are relative…and can certainly last longer than a brief period of time.  Moments can be defined by finally letting go of the negative in order to create more space for something positive, taking a risk because if anything- you are bound to learn something, taking the first step towards significant change, working through loss and keeping hope of a promising future alive, or simply not pressing stop because that will not get you any closer to your ultimate goal.

Whatever your short or long term moments are made of: Keep at it.  Know the moments of weakness are the same moments that will someday define your strength.

Own your moment.
Be a fighter.
You got this.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

danke tuesday!

dAnKe, TuEsDay!

back at it...another day with more opportunities to live out loud, have new adventures, and share yourself with the world. top ten blessings:

  1. a whole lot of sun
  2. a successful client meeting...first one down.
  3. 10 hours of sleep 
  4. sarah's almond biscotti...flavor parade for your mouth
  5. phone calls with mom kratz
  6. a plant delivery for me at me some green.
  7. compression socks to prep for tomorrows training brick.
  8. meeting new ways of thinking
  9. a walk around Calhoun
  10. the fact i get to get up tomorrow and do it all over again.
more often than not- we get hung up on focusing on the challenges, whats wrong, and all the obstacles that often get in our way in every element of our lives.  take the time to remember all the RIGHT things, people, experiences, and moments.  Keep your focus on the positive contributions you can make to those around you...and you will feel just as good as they do.

Chin up. If you had a tough day...focus on what went right and know that you have the chance to have an even better day tomorrow.  Make it what you want it to be.

Friday, March 9, 2012


fRiDay FuEl 

“If” is such a big word for being only two letters.  Within that I and F are such possibilities. Such potential. Such power to become.  Exploring IF’s can be a relevant journey of thought…think about it:


  • The secret to success is failure
  • The timing is always right
  • You came to realization that you are capable of more than you ever thought
  • The benefit almost always outweighed the risk
  • Living outside the lines became more common than staying in a safe place
  • A smile was easier than a frown.
  • You realized that you are not valued by the number of 0’s on your pay check, the number of trophies and awards you earn, the amount of friends you have on facebook, the kind of car you drive, the square footage of your house…but rather by your ability to love and be loved, to create memories, to offer your best to those around you…and to yourself.
  • You started to do all the things you usually just talk about
  • Rushing, moving, doing slowly turned into just being
  • You realized that you have the ability to turn a life around…just by showing up.
  • You were just a little more gentle with yourself…and dared to be fearless
  • Listening hard, living with intention, learning, and appreciation were common staples of everyday life
  • Living the dream really can be your reality- if you let it happen…after all, its just perspective.
More importantly…

What if you your personal IF’s truly became your WHEN’s and your WHEN’s became your NOW? 

DO IT: Pick just one of your own IF’s…make it your one NOW. (every if counts...even the small ones)

You got this. 

Happy weekend!