Friday, March 30, 2012


we value answers. people like the quick fix, solutions, end points, and having a clear expectation of what is to come. 

there is nothing wrong with answers- they are needed, warranted and important.  but what happens when the answers that we are seeking begin to eclipse the original question that brought them up in the first place?

throughout my ongoing study of intrinsic motivation, this concept has really began to stand out for me and can really applied to any circumstance, thought, short term decision, long term commitment…to life.

we have a tendency to use our energy, focus, and time on scrambling to get to the next step, cross it off the list, lose those last 10 lbs, become happy in our relationships, learn to manage our money, or any other area of our life that we tend to be challenged in…while in fact we are not that clear on the question that we are working so hard to find the answer too.

what are you wanting?

action steps, goals, and strategies are meaningless endeavors if you are unclear to what is most important to you. 

what are you wanting?

have you ever taken the time to explore and think about what it is you are truly wanting for yourself relative to your true goals or overall wellbeing?

what is it deep inside that you are wanting for yourself and what is most important to you?

i can tell you that it’s usually not a number, a dollar sign, or an award but rather a feeling or state of being …something you cannot put a price tag on.  it is something that is driven by you because it provides purpose and a value that cannot be defined by anyone else. 

if it is truly important to you…you will find a way to make it happen and your next steps will be apparent.
that is a true goal. 

make your goal the most important – keep your focus on goal, not the problems that happen along the way.

be flexible.
be determined.
be invested.

many times we work so hard to find the answers…and never take the time to understand what our question is. slow down and trust the process.

be purposeful in your endeavors. time is such a gift and should be spent on creating the life you want based on what is most important to you. 

as you look at past challenges and future hopes- take the time to ask the question.

sometimes the question truly is more important than the answer.

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