Taking a look back…
2012 was full of amazing blessings, challenges and change... I was able to travel to foreign countries, move to a new city and new state, start a new chapter in my career, see awesome parts of the world on my favorite form of transportation, spend time with people that I love and admire and meet new ones too…train and compete with a healthy body, and take advantage of many adventures that life threw my way.
At the end of it all…there are always certain lessons that stick out for me more than others…here are my top five for 2012:
1. Work Hard. Nothing worthwhile in life comes easy. You always get out of it what you put into it. Dedicate yourself to your goals, trust the process and don’t be afraid of failure- only be afraid of not trying in the first place. If it does not challenge you- it will probably not change you either. Be motivated to simply do the best you can each day…the rest will take care of itself.
2. People are amazing. I have learned so much from those around me. Every single person has an incredible amount of potential with so much to share…take the time to just be present with those around you and hear their story. Close your mouth and just open your ears and take the time to un-connect from things with cords and connect to those with hearts. I am so blessed with an awesome family and network of friends that support, encourage, and believe in me…that right there is the best part of life- the people that choose to live it with you.
3. Being uncomfortable just means that you are growing. Many times we avoid the discomforts that change or challenges present…but it is those moments that true inner expansion and growth takes place. Be comfortable with being uncomfortable and see what you can accomplish. Know your own limits and dare yourself to overcome them. Anything is possible if you got enough nerve.
4. Consistency matters. I have learned that doing small good things consistently can eventually lead to great things. Don’t feel the need to do it all right away- rather, take the small steps each day in the direction you want to go. I approach each training session, day at work, or anything else with the motivation that the culmination of effort will eventually lead to something better. Patience.
5. Choice. We are all given the choice…no matter what the situation- I am given the choice. The choice to... overcome, believe, stay positive, try, be brave, keep moving forward, be thankful, be content, and at the end of it all….know that I am exactly where God wants me to be. Choices- even the small ones, can define and create not only your present – but your future as well. Choose wisely.
I love living. I love the people in my life who teach me how to do and be better. I love knowing that each day is another chance to grow, experience, and be better than I was the day before. I love opportunities…cause that is what everything is: an opportunity.
No resolutions for 2013 from me. I come from a place in that if you are ready to begin…now is the time. Why put off until tomorrow what you can get done today?
Happy New Year…get after it!
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